The Forest Shrine

“The forest shrine” is a memorial for the lost trees and wildlife. Into the fog, an image of full scale old growth forest is projected on the clear cut patches to show how it would have looked if it was given a chance to thrive. 


“Cedar trees are important to many other living things great and small. They provide habitat for forest creatures, some of which are an important feature of Haida crests and histories…

When a Haida person goes for bark, a pole or a canoe, trees are approached with respect. Their spirits are hailed in a song and thanked with prayer. A bark gatherer takes care that the tree will go on living.”

Haida Land Use act 2005

Life of Western Red Cedar

The Haida too have been harvesting trees for thousands of years, but they never take any more than they need. They see the trees as their brothers, equal and as worthy as people. It is the truest implementation of deep ecology we need to learn from.


Llgaay gwii sdiihlda - Restoring Balance in Haida Gwaii


Living breakwaters project